These resources are provided for the FUMC Florence congregation by the FUMC Florence Discernment Team
Bishop Dr. Debra Wallace Padgett's Presentation at FUMC Florence (January 29, 2023)
(1:01:53) -
Called Annual Conference - December 10, 2022 - Time of Encouragement & Visioning (57:54)
Bishop Dr. Debra Wallace-Padgett, Rev. Susan Katschke, and Rev. Brian Erickson
Rob Renfroe, President & Publisher
Good News Magazine
Video Series
​Video #1: The United Methodist Church is Divided & Dividing (11:51)
Video #2: Our Differences Regarding the Bible (15:15)
Video #3: Our Differences Regarding Jesus (16:25)
Video #4: Our Differences Regarding Sexuality (16:00)
Video #5: Why It's Time for Traditionalists to Leave (13:48)
Video #6: Where Should We Go? (14:13)
Rev. Adam Hamilton, Senior Pastor
Church of the Resurrection UMC (Kansas)
Response to Rob Renfroe's Video Series
Video #2: Love of Scripture (13:57)
Video #3: Committed to Christ (5:57)
Video #4: Human Sexuality (18:43)
Video #5: A Future with Hope (12:29)
Video #6: Moving Forward with the UMC (21:22)
Additional Videos & Documents
Rev. Dr. John Robbins, Senior Pastor, Pulaski Heights UMC (Arkansas)
- Video: Who has the Final Word? (1 Corinthians 1:10-15) (32:80)
Rev. Dr. Tom Berlin, Senior Pastor, Floris UMC (Herndon, VA)
Bishop Rev. Dr. Debbie Wallace-Padgett, Resident Bishop, North Alabama Conference
- Video: Bishop's State-of-the-Church Address (Annual Conference 2022) (23:18)
- Conference Lay Leader Dr. Lisa Keys-Mathews, Conference Lay Leader, N.A. Conference
- Video: Conference Lay Leader's Address (Annual Conference 2022) (19:15)
Rev. Dr. Tyler Christiansen, Senior Pastor, Grace UMC (Birmingham, AL) and
Rev. Brian Erickson, Senior Pastor, Trinity UMC and Rev. Sherill Clontz, District Superintendent, Cheeha District.-
Includes an overview of the UMC, history of how we got here, and explains, in detail,
what is going on in the United Methodist Church- Video: Bright Hope for Tomorrow (1:31:00)
Rev. Dr. Tyler Christiansen, Senior Pastor, Grace UMC (Birmingham, AL)
United Methodist Theology
Rev. Dale Cohen, Senior Pastor, First UMC (Florence, Alabama)
Paper #2: What about Scriptural Authority and Interpretation?
Paper #3: How does Wesleyan/Arminian Theology influence our thinking on divisive issues?
Paper #4a: How Can We Approach Biblical Passages about Homosexuality with Scriptural Integrity?
Paper #4b: How Can We Approach Biblical Passages about Homosexuality with Scriptural Integrity?
Paper #4c: How Can We Approach Biblical Passages about Homosexuality with Scriptural Integrity?
Paper #5: How Can We Maintain Our Spiritual Integrity and Christian Witness Despite Our Differences?
General Links
On-line Magazines
Adam Hamilton, Senior Pastor, Church of the Resurrection United Methodist Church
Chris Ritter, Directing Pastor of Geneseo First United Methodist Church, Global Council Member, Wesleyan Covenant Association
Jeremy Smith, Pastor, United Methodist Church
Recommended Books
Steve Harper
Holy Love
For the Sake of the Bride
Henri Nouwin
Discernment: Reading the Signs of Daily Life
Andy Stanley
Not In It To Win It